ACOH will appreciate your joining hundreds of volunteers who are nurturing and equipping vulnerable children, struggling at-risk youth, and poor communities to rise above the challenges they face daily.
The reward of using your God given gifts and skills to empower those in need is priceless.
Join us today by choosing a program below to volunteer in:
1.Peer Education :-Offer peer education to adolescence girls on different topics such as Education ,Reduction of teenage pregnancies,Menstruation & Hygiene,Life skills,etc.
2.Offer tutoring services to students in the local schools.
3.Offer workshops on climate change and conservation of the environment in local schools or buy tree seedlings for a school
4.Raising funds through donating used goods ,donating books ,school uniforms,etc .,to local schools (Gifts in Kind).
5.Organize a fundraising campaign for one of our programs (Education,Sanitary pads,Orphans).
6.Organize a career guidance workshop
7.Organize /Sponsor a religious/life skills camp for the youth/Teenagers
8.Organize/Sponsor a community medical camp.
9.Build /Sponsor a school /Community Library or a School Computer Lab.
10.Volunteer teaching in a school for children with special needs.
11.Fund raise for mobility Aids for children with special needs.